"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart, as long as you live." DT 4:9
- God wants us to remember; how much do we forget? Even as a church, when we turn the pages of the calendar we forget how much God has done, how God has blessed, how God has worked.
"Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God..." DT 8:11
- Apparently we are pretty forgetful. If I am still and focused upon Him, will I remember? What would it take in my life to live with the constant remembrance of what God has done and the constant awareness that He is still doing?
"He who hates correction is stupid." Prv 12:1
- Nuff said.
" Purge the evil from among you." A DT theme, repeated
- This phrase is repeated 9 times in Deuteronomy. It is pretty clear that God wants us to be serious about removing from our lives the temptation toward evil. How serious am I about it?
"You are not to go back that way again." DT 17:16
- God's word to his people about Egypt. Why would they? Why would they want to? Why do we return again and again to the slave-master of sin that rules us? Do we not remember what God has done? Are we just stupid when it comes to correction? Are we not serious about removing the evil in our lives?
"...he who chases fantasies lacks judgement..." Prv 12:11
- How easy it is for us to chase after that which is not real? How easy it is for us to crawl into a world that only exists in the shadows of our mind? God, please shine your light into the shadowy places in our hearts and minds.