"those who don't want to plateau, those who would rather die before their convictions do."
"People say they believe in God but don't want anything to do with organized religion. If the church lived it's mission people would have to say, 'i can't deny what the church does, i just don't believe in their God'."
"You could die before you finish reading this chapter. I could die while you're reading it. Today. At any moment. But it's easy to think about today as just another day. An average day where you go about life concerned with your to-do-list, preoccupied by appointments, focused on family, thinking about your desires and needs. On the average day, we live caught up in ourselves. On the average day, we don't consider God very much. On the average day, we forget that life truly is a vapor."
"Doesn't His courting ... demonstrate His love?"
"Are we in love with God or just His stuff?"
David Goetz, "Too much of the good life ends up being toxic, deforming us spiritually."
William Wilberforce, "Prosperity hardens the heart."
"People generally do find greater joy in giving freely to others than they do in rampant self-indulgence."
"The concept of downsizing so that others might upgrade is biblical, beautiful ... and nearly unheard of."
"God wants us to trust Him with abandon."
"We are consumed by safety. Obsessed with it, actually."
"I've made it a commitment to consistently put myself in situations that scare me and require God to come through."
- don't really want to be saved from sin, but from the penalty of our sins.
- assume radical Christians are the extreme, not for average believers.
- give Christ a section of all their life, instead of all sections of all of life.
- do love others but not as much as they love themselves.
- think about life here more than eternity.
- are thankful for luxuries and rarely consider giving as much as possible to the poor.
- act on the basis of "good enough".
- play it safe.
- don't really need God, they have life all planned out.
- lives wouldn't look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God.
- think partially sanitized is the same as holiness.
As Chan described being unwanted by his father, I couldn't help but think of what a blessing my own dad has been in my life.
So all of this leads me to ask myself ... "R U CrAzY?"
- About Him?
- Following with RECKLESS ABANDON?
- to those looking at your life from the view of the world?
- About Risky Love?
The Values of an organization are the deeply held convictions that are non-negotiable. These words characterize the body ... as I read Chan core-values were on the mind ... and when I visited Summit for the first time, I immediately saw their values. Summit has four Core-Values (God, Truth, Love and Mission).
- Generosity - giving people
- Health
- Holy - wholeness
- Grace